hey girl,
I know what it feels like...one year ago, we all were spread out all over the world, we all had to start a new life, make new friends, live in a new environment and learn a new language!
there were good and bad times...and now this is year is over!
most of us found a second family and a home in a different country and so many new awesome friends!
it's hard to say good bye and like u said, it hurts, just to think about the fact, that we won't see many of those lovely people for a long long time!
and then we are back in germany, many people don't understand what it's like, everything is kinda the same here, but we changed! even if it doesn't seem like we did, but we are really different! and just the people, who lived abroad too, really know what it feels like!
this year has been one of the greatest years of our lifes...
and I am so glad, that yall went abroad too, and so happy, to see u all again!
I missed you over the year...and I'm so sure, that the last two years of school, will be awesome, 'cause we're all together again and many people repeat the class too!
and never forget girl, the world is a small place...
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Hej hej and hello!
Seit sechs Jahren gibt es schwedenblogen mittlerweile. Damals brach ich auf um als Austauschschülerin die schwedische Mentalität kennen und lieben zu lernen. Heute bin ich als ERASMUS-Studentin in Manchester und berichte von Erfahrungen, Erlebnissen und den kleinen und schönen Dingen des Alltags.
Ich möchte ausdrücklich betonen, dass ich keinerlei Einfluss auf die Inhalte der verlinkten Seiten habe und ich mich deshalb distanziere hiermit ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten der verlinkten Seiten auf diesem Blog. Ich hoffe außerdem, dass ich mit diesem Blog keine Copyrights verletze. Wenn dies doch zutreffen sollte, bitte ich darum, mich darauf hinzuweisen. Ich werde dann die bemängelten Sachen selbstverständlich entfernen.
I know what it feels like...one year ago, we all were spread out all over the world, we all had to start a new life, make new friends, live in a new environment and learn a new language!
there were good and bad times...and now this is year is over!
most of us found a second family and a home in a different country and so many new awesome friends!
it's hard to say good bye and like u said, it hurts, just to think about the fact, that we won't see many of those lovely people for a long long time!
and then we are back in germany, many people don't understand what it's like, everything is kinda the same here, but we changed! even if it doesn't seem like we did, but we are really different! and just the people, who lived abroad too, really know what it feels like!
this year has been one of the greatest years of our lifes...
and I am so glad, that yall went abroad too, and so happy, to see u all again!
I missed you over the year...and I'm so sure, that the last two years of school, will be awesome, 'cause we're all together again and many people repeat the class too!
and never forget girl, the world is a small place...
love, nici